Author Archives: TOHRU ITOH

Graph-R Plus ver.1.52

The “Graph-R Plus” has been upgraded the following:
– Fixed the ability to link the size of the arrow to the length of the vector to the vector display.
– Fixed that the graduation line is shifted in a two-dimensional display.
– Fixed the shadow of the face obtained by inverting the axis of the scale.
– Added VRML file read (IndexedFaceSet of the triangle and the square only).
– Added the ability to initialize the color of the legend in the selected minimum and maximum color.

Graph-R for Mac ver.1.18

The “Graph-R for Mac” has been upgraded the following:
– Fix that the graduation line is shifted in a two-dimensional display.
– Added the ability to initialize the legend color in gray color(Minimum:white, Maximum:black).
– Added the ability to link the size of the arrow to the length of the vector to the vector display.

Graph-R Plus ver.1.51

The “Graph-R Plus” has been upgraded the following:

– Added the ability to initialize the legend color in color or black and white.
– Added the ability to link the size of the arrow to the length of the vector to the vector display.
– Fixed to save the selected point.