Author Archives: TOHRU ITOH

Graph-R for Mac ver.1.16

The “Graph-R for Mac” has been upgraded the following:
– If the vector is all the same size, fixed a bug that can not be changed the vector size in the vector display.
– Added the ability to hide the numerical value of the scale.

Graph-R Plus ver.1.45

The “Graph-R Plus” has been upgraded the following:
– If the vector is all the same size, fixed a bug that can not be changed the vector size in the vector display.
– Added the ability to hide the numerical value of the scale.

Graph-R for Mac ver.1.15

The “Graph-R for Mac” has been upgraded the following:
– Added the ability to display only within the range of the legend.
– Added the ability to specify the size ratio of the vector in the display vector size to be the same as the file data.
– Duplicate starting point has been changed so that it is not removed in data format 5, 6(vector diagram).

MonitorPlus ver.1.8

The “MonitorPlus” has been upgraded the following:
– Added the “( App + Wired + Compressed ) / Physical * 100” to the type of display of memory usage.
– The size of the CPU graph and the Memory graph changed a little bit bigger.
– Added the ability to select a color in OS X 10.10(Yosemite) of dark mode.