Author Archives: TOHRU ITOH

Graph-R for Mac ver.1.23

The “Graph-R for Mac” has been upgraded the following:
– Added a function to create section line from data.
– Added a function to create section line with contour color.
– Added a function to display section position (numerical value) in section line.

Graph-R Plus ver.1.61

The “Graph-R Plus” has been upgraded the following:
– Added a function to create section line from data.
– Added a function to create section line with contour color.
– Added a function to display section position (numerical value) in section line.

Graph-R ver.2.38

The “Graph-R” has been upgraded the following:
– Added ability to specify rotation angle by arrow key.
– Added ability to rotate the screen Shift + arrow key.
– Fixed the scale label display when displayed in plan view (XY plan view, etc.).